

by Alen Hao – Sales manager 

LGD-4033, better known as Anabolicum is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that like testosterone is anabolic but without the effects that display significantly outside muscle tissue. Ligand Pharmaceuticals, ligand, referring to functional binding molecules, developed LGD-4033. Ligand Pharmaceuticals has made a name for itself with SARM research along with GTx, the two representing the bulk of SARM creation over the past decade.

Anabolicum Traits

Anabolicum is a SARM that binds tightly to the androgen receptors, primarily those of muscle and bone. Attaching to the androgen receptors, this creates enhanced anabolic activity in the body (muscle building) and has also been shown to be anti-catabolic (muscle wasting).

Test 600x Studies have shown Anabolicum to hold significant effects on bone deterioration through a strengthening effect. Along with its muscle building and bone strengthening properties, unlike anabolic steroids that attach to the androgen receptor, there is no activity presented outside the target muscle and bone areas of the body or at least only minimally.

Effects of Anabolicum

The effects of Anabolicum can range from bulking and cutting to total body transformation. It is hard to compare the power of Anabolicum to various anabolic steroids due to SARM’s still being relatively new to the market, but the effects do appear to be strong. Off-season or bulking athletes can expect to gain significant strength and muscle mass with adequate calories. They will also find water retention cannot occur, meaning any weight gained will be that of lean muscle tissue.

For the dieting or cutting athlete, one of the primary concerns is protecting lean muscle mass. When you want to lose fat, you must burn more calories than you consume, and this can and will lead to muscle tissue loss without protective agents. Regardless of how genetically superior an individual is, some muscle tissue loss is unavoidable. By increasing anabolic activity, such as attaching a potent SARM to the body, muscle tissue can be preserved. This will result in a tighter, leaner, harder and more muscular physique. Some data, although rudimentary at this stage has shown the effects of Anabolicum may also, to a degree, promote fat loss.

Increases in muscular endurance are also reported, especially when stacked with other SARMs. It is unclear how much of an effect Anabolicum will have on endurance when used alone.

Side Effects of Anabolicum

The side effects of Anabolicum appear to be minimal and often non-existent in many users. Unlike anabolic steroids that promote large amounts of androgenic activity, such related negative effects appear to be absent in most all cases. Side effects of Anabolicum are possible, but again very rare, making it one of the more desirable items in the performance enhancement arsenal.

Estrogenic: The side effects of Anabolicum do not include any of an estrogenic nature, making water retention, bloating, gynecomastia and high blood pressure associated with water retention impossible. LGD-4033 does not promote aromatization, the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. No anti-estrogens are needed with the use of this SARM.

Androgenic: Despite an attachment to the androgen receptors, the target area remains muscle and bone. Acne and hair loss cannot occur with this SARM. The side effects of Anabolicum should also not be concerning to the prostate; some activity in the prostate may exist, but should be insignificant. Virilization, the masculine traits often promoted in women due to the use of anabolic steroids should not occur with this SARM.

Cardiovascular: No negative effects on the cardiovascular system have been reported, such as negative effects on cholesterol or blood pressure.

Testosterone Suppression: Testosterone suppression is possible but should not be as significant as suppression related to anabolic steroid use. Some claim suppression is suppression regardless of the rate, but that’s simplistic at best. A man with natural testosterone levels of 650 ng/dl who is suppressed to 450 ng/dl, that is a far cry from 42 ng/dl. More importantly, data has shown Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) will both remain at their current state. Some data has also shown slight decreases in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), which in turn may increase Free testosterone levels. However, a significant increase in Free testosterone is unlikely. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medications may or may not be needed depending on the individual, but some period of normalization is generally required.

Hepatotoxicity: Although taken orally, LGD-4033 is not toxic to the liver and should have no affect on liver enzymes. This product does not belong to the C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) or methylated class of medications.

Anabolicum Administration

Anabolicum (LGD-4033) carries a half-life of approximately 30 hours and is best taken once daily. 10mg per day is the most common dose with some going as high as 20mg per day with little to no complications. Anabolicum can be stacked with other SARMs such as Ostarine (MK 2866) or Cardarine (GW-50156).

Availability of Anabolicum

Anabolicum is available through most research chemical companies. These are research companies that commonly sell non-scheduled medications such as SERM’s, AI’s, peptides and SARMs.

Buy Raw Anabolicum powder Online

You can buy Anabolicum online from numerous research chemical companies; in fact, this is normally the only place you’ll find it. Buying OK-BIOTECH or any SARM online is legal due to a loophole in the law regarding such related items. However, you should note the product will not be made in an FDA approved pharmacy, nor can its purity be guaranteed. However, because this market has exploded in recent years, many of these research labs practice production in such a way that would make some pharmacies jealous.

Anabolicum Reviews

Anabolicum is often said to be the strongest most effective SARM. If you were to try a SARM this would be the one to pick and more than likely the one you always pick regardless if using one or more SARM’s at a time. Bulking, cutting, strength, endurance, and recovery – this SARM provides everything an athlete, bodybuilder or simply someone looking to get in shape could want. What will the specific results be? It’s impossible to say; genetic response (positive benefits) with SARM’s as is with steroids is highly dependent on just that, genetic response. Train smart, eat right and purchase from a quality outlet, and this product should provide a nice boost without horrific effects. On that basis, it’s a good product.
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Steroid Stacks

by Alen Hao –Sales Manager 
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of different steroid stacks out there in the anabolic world. With a list of hundreds of forms of anabolic steroids it should be easy to understand how so many combination's can be made which in many cases in-turn will make this process all the more confusing to you. Testosterones, Nandrolones, orals, injectables, bulking, cutting, AI’s, PCT; the list goes on and on and then it goes on some more. Fortunately for you developing solid anabolic steroid stacks is not as difficult as it may seem; quite often people make it difficult, more difficult than it should be out of both concern and confusion. Make no mistake, these powerful hormones must be treated with respect and you absolutely need to know what you’re doing if you so choose to use them. However, you have the ability the same as anyone else to learn, to educate yourself on proper methods of procedure. What we’ll do here is provide some solid examples of various steroid stacks but in the end your own personal anabolic education will prove to be paramount.;

Steroid Stacks – The Foundation:
While there are definitely exceptions to the rule, in most cases for the healthy adult male the foundation of all your cycles will be and should be that of testosterone. Testosterone is one of the most all around efficient steroidal hormones we can use; it is essential to not only proper bodily function but essential to muscle building and preservation as well. Moreover, while testosterone is of the upmost importance it is further one of the better tolerated hormones; after all, it is a hormone naturally produced in your own body. It is important to understand, when you supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids your natural testosterone levels will be shut down and to keep levels at a proper level or in many cases above normal for performance enhancing we must supplement with exogenous testosterone. As mentioned, there are exceptions to the rule; there are solid steroid stacks in-which testosterone will not be used; in most cases this will be the case with most women who use anabolic steroids but for our purposes here we will only discuss the general male steroid stacks of importance.

Beginner Steroid Stacks:
Mass StackFor the beginner, the first time user a very basic cycle is all that is needed. Although this is a common and efficient beginner’s cycle the word “beginner” can be a little misleading. Although this is where we recommend most beginners to begin, in many cases this will be all many individuals ever need no matter how advanced they become. For most of you a simple course of 12 weeks of testosterone therapy using either Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate at a dose of 400mg-500mg per week will produce fantastic results. While this cycle will produce great gains or even aid greatly in leaning out depending on your nutritional intake, the effects may not be noticeable until the 4 week mark. For that reason many enjoy a nice kick start of such anabolics as Dianabol. While it is not necessary by any means it will provide a nice boost and some added strength and size as well. The following is a solid beginner cycle worth its weight in gold for any athlete:

-Option 1:

WK 1-12: Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate 500mg/wk
WK 13-15: No Anabolic Steroids
WK 16-18: Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

-PCT Protocol:

WK 1: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 2: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 3: Nolvadex 20mg/ed

-Option 2:

WK 1-6: Dianabol 30mg/ed
WK 1-12: Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate 500mg/wk
WK 13-15: No Anabolic Steroids
WK 16-18: Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

-PCT Protocol:

WK 1: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 2: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 3: Nolvadex 20mg/ed

*Intermediate Steroid Stacks:
While Testosterone was our base in the beginner stack it will be again here as well. Further, the original steroid stacks listed above may be applied more than once; remember, the above is all you may ever need but if you’re looking for a little more the following will provide such a boost:

-Option 1:

WK 1-6: Dianabol 50mg/ed
WK 1-12: Deca-Durabolin 400mg/wk
WK 1-12: Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate 750mg/wk
WK 13-16: Testosterone-Propionate 100mg/eod
WK 17-20: PCT

PCT Protocol:

WK 1 (Day 1-10) HCG 1,000iu/ed
WK 2: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 3: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 4: Nolvadex 20mg/ed

-Option 2:

WK 1-4: Anadrol 50mg/ed
WK 1-12: Equipoise 400mg/wk
WK 1-12: Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate 750mg/wk
WK 13-16: Testosterone-Propionate 100mg/eod
WK 17-20: PCT

-PCT Protocol:

WK 1 (Day 1-10) HCG 1,000iu/ed
WK 2: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 3: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 4: Nolvadex 20mg/ed

***Important Note on Intermediate Steroid Stacks***

While some will be fine, many will need to use a good aromatase inhibitor throughout the duration of the cycle. In most cases a dose of 0.5mg/eod of either Arimidex or Letrozol will suffice.

Advanced Steroid Stacks:
While the following anabolic steroid stacks will be by far the most powerful and potent of all they are of also the highest in-regards to potential negative side-effects and should not be taken lightly. For the majority of you these types of cycles will never be used nor should they be; simply view them as information to store away in your own personal vault. Again, Testosterone will be the base and for the extremely hardcore and highly advanced these cycles will prove to be the ultimate in pure muscle performance. While almost all cycles can effectively be used for either cutting or bulking in our advanced section we will list one cycle more apt to provide one or the other; starting with bulking and ending with cutting.

-Option 1:

WK 1-6: Dianabol 50mg/ed
WK 1-12: Deca-Durabolin 600mg/wk
WK 1-12: Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate 250mg/eod
WK 11-16: Trenbolone-Acetate 75mg/eod
WK 13-16: Testosterone-Propionate 200mg/eod
WK 1-16: Arimidex or Letrozol 1mg/eod
WK 17-20: PCT

-PCT Protocol:

WK 1 (Day 1-10) HCG 1,000iu/ed
WK 2: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 3: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 4: Nolvadex 20mg/ed
WK 5: Nolvadex 20mg/ed

-Option 2:

WK 1-8: Equipoise 200mg/eod
WK 1-8: Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate 250mg/eod
WK 9-16: Testosterone-Propionate 200mg/eod
WK 9-16: Trenbolone-Acetate 100mg/eod
WK 9-16: Winstrol 50mg/ed
WK 1-16: Arimidex or Letrozol 1mg/eod

-PCT Protocol:

WK 1 (Day 1-10) HCG 1,000iu/ed
WK 2: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 3: Nolvadex 40mg/ed
WK 4: Nolvadex 20mg/ed
WK 5: Nolvadex 20mg/ed

Cutting StackYou may have noticed items such as Cytomel (T-3) Clenbuterol and Growth Hormone were left out of these cycles; you may have particularly noticed they were left out of the advanced steroids stacks and it should be noted they may be successfully introduced into each one; in particular option 2 of the advanced section.


WK: Week

ED: Every Day

EOD: Every Other Day

MG: Milligram

IU: International Unit

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Arimidex (Anastrozole)

by Alen Hao – Arimidex (anastrozole) was the first selective aromatase inhibitor used in bodybuilding, and is still the most popular estrogen control drug. It’s commonly available in both tablet and liquid form for oral use. Dosing is typically 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 mg at a time, at a frequency of once per day or per two days.

Estradiol, the most potent form of estrogen, is produced in the body by aromatization of testosterone. This occurs via the aromatase enzyme. Because certain levels of estradiol are needed for men, some conversion of testosterone to estradiol is required. However, in two circumstances effective aromatase inhibition can give important benefits.

First, when an anabolic steroid cycle causes very aromatizable steroid levels and there is no control of the aromatase enzyme, conversion to estradiol becomes excessive. The resulting high estradiol can cause gynecomastia, water retention, depression, and/or loss of libido. It may also make it difficult to maintain a lean condition.

And second, some men have excessive estradiol levels even when not on an anabolic steroid cycle. This will act to decrease their natural testosterone production, and can also cause the above adverse side effects.

Arimidex is highly suitable for solving either problem. With correctly chosen dosing, free estradiol level can be brought fairly accurately to a desired range. When not using anabolic steroids, for most men I recommend about 20-29 pg/mL for best effect on mood, performance, libido, and long term health and to provide excellent benefit to natural testosterone production. During a steroid cycle, levels can be allowed to rise a little higher, because high androgen levels act towards countering adverse actions of estradiol. Sometimes levels are deliberately made higher, as being a little “wet” can improve lifting performance. Still, I recommend that even during a strong anabolic cycle, estradiol level be kept to no more than about 40 pg/mL.This will usually require an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex, if dosing of aromatizable steroids is high.

The most highly aromatizing steroids are testosterone, methyltestosterone, and Dianabol, but Deca (nandrolone) and Equipoise (boldenone) also aromatize.

Most medical studies of effect of Arimidex on men have used it at 1 mg/day, with this dosage appearing about optimal judging from effect on estradiol level. However, real world use for either steroid cycles or optimization of hormone levels is generally at a lower dosage, from 0.25 mg every other day to about 0.5 mg/day. I generally recommend 0.5 mg every other day as a starting point for a steroid cycle, and half that for hormone optimization if a high estrogen problem exists.

Overdosing of Arimidex leads to abnormally low estradiol level and typical side effects of joint pain, reduced libido, and/or gastrointestinal distress. The first two are directly caused by low estradiol. If experiencing these effects, reduce dose. Effect on the GI tract appears a side effect of Arimidex itself, but one which fortunately affects only a few. If experiencing this effect, I recommend switching to letrozole as an alternate choice of aromatase inibitor.

Anastrozole has a half life of about two days. For this reason, when use is ongoing, on taking a dose of Arimidex the user will have in his system not only the dose that he just took, but also about another two days’ worth that has built up in his system. If just starting usage, however, there is no such buildup and effect will be less.

Rather than waiting a couple of weeks for buildup to occur, I instead recommend frontloading Arimidex. This is done by taking as the first dose not only the regular amount, but also an additional two days’ worth. For example, if intending to take 0.5 mg every other day, then this would be an additional 0.5 mg. The frontloading dose would therefore be 1.0 mg. This would be taken only on the first day of use. With this method, the proper effect is achieved nearly immediately.

A controversial use of Arimidex is in PCT. Some advocate driving estradiol levels abnormally low in PCT in order to stimulate testosterone production; I’m a strong advocate of instead using a SERM such as Nolvadex or Clomid instead. However, if a person needs Arimidex even off-cycle due to his having naturally high aromatization, then his off-cycle dosage may be employed during PCT as well.

Arimidex is best compared with letrozole. Either drug can be used effectively for aromatase control. The choice between them can be made entirely on personal preference, experience, and availability.

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Steroid Cycles for Beginners

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

If you’ve never supplemented with anabolic steroids before knowing what to do can seem like an overwhelming task. To begin there’s a massive amount of information available, not to mention numerous steroid related message boards. When you look at all the information and read all the varying opinions, more times than not the individual is left more confused than when he first began his education. Go to one message board and you’ll find “the experts” say do 1, 2 and 3 followed by A, B and C. Go the next message board and you’ll find others who say you should start with A, B and C and only add in 1, 2 and 3 if you’re really serious about your pursuit. Not only can this talk be confusing, for many would be performance enhancers it’s annoying.

Let’s be clear, very clear right from the start. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are not magical. When we supplement with anabolic steroids the rules of nutrition do not go flying out the window, the basic principles of training are not lost to the wind. The basic idea behind supplemental anabolic steroid use is not to create a magical solution but to take what you’re already doing correctly and to enhance it. Put simply, you’re going to take what you’re already doing right and now you’re simply going to do it a little better. Anabolic steroids are not the answer, they encompass part of the overall solution that includes sound nutrition, proper training and a well-thought out plan one holds to; as it pertains to the steroids themselves, in the end it all boils down to personal education.

Mass StackBefore you begin your journey into the anabolic world there are some important steps you need to take. First and foremost you must educate yourself on the hormones. Know what it is you’re going to be putting into your body; know not only what the benefits are but what the possible adverse effects may be and know how to combat them. Once this is under control your next order of business is going to be ensuring the steroids you’re considering purchasing are of a high quality nature. The last thing you want is a contaminated product and even if it’s clean you certainly don’t want an under-dosed product or one that’s counterfeit. As your education becomes more sound and you have access to assured quality products there are some important questions you need to answer:

Are you a healthy adult male?
Have you spent some time building a solid foundation?
Are you willing to accept any consequences that may fall your way should you supplement irresponsibly?
If you can answer “Yes” to these questions and if you have fulfilled the prior two requirements, personal education and ensuring a quality supplier is available then you’re ready to begin. As it pertains to your personal education no one is implying you need to be a steroid expert, you simply need a solid grasp on what you’re doing. Anabolic steroids are very powerful hormones and they demand respect. They are not as complicated to understand as many tend to make them out to be but this does not take away from the respect they demand.

For the true beginner to anabolic steroid supplementation for the purpose of performance enhancement, the initial cycle will more than likely be one of the simplest cycles of all. While it will be simple it is by no means weak; in-fact, for many performance enhancers such a cycle will be all they ever need.  There will further only be 3 items you need; two anabolic steroids and 1 SERM. Of these 3 items two will be essential, one of the steroids and the one SERM with the second anabolic steroid being optional; the optional steroid will be the oral steroid included in the cycle. It is a 12 week plan followed by a 3 week post cycle recovery with the total plan taking 17 weeks and is as follows:

The first thing you may have noticed is that week’s 13 and 14 do not have anything in them and that was done with purpose. The above cycle is based and built around Testosterone-Enanthate; as such you will need to wait a couple weeks to allow the hormone to clear your system before you begin Nolvadex therapy. You could even wait a total of 3 weeks to reach this point but you will want to start your Nolvadex therapy no later than 3 weeks after your last Testosterone-Enanthate injection.

During this cycle you will notice the gains start rapidly, largely due to the Dianabol and begin to slow down as you progress, especially the last few weeks. This does not mean we stop the cycle early as you need to continue in-order to allow your body to become accustomed to the gains made, if you are going to keep any of them once the cycle has been discontinued. Let’s discuss each compound briefly:

Testosterone-Enanthate: If Testosterone-Enanthate is not available you can substitute Testosterone-Cypionate in its place as the two are virtually identical. For this cycle you will administer the hormone on one of two scheduled plans; one 500mg injection once per week or two 250mg injections twice per week, say Monday and Thursday. In either case the job will be done with the second option be optimal but only slightly. This will be the basis of your cycle and will give you the greatest benefits of all.
Dianabol: As you will be taking this every day the first 6 weeks you can take the entire dose all at once or you can split it into two doses per day for optimal results; say 15mg in the morning and 10mg at night or vice versa. Through the use of Dbol you will add mass and strength very quickly as the Testosterone builds in your system.
Nolvadex: When supplementing with anabolic steroids our natural testosterone production is suppressed. Even though we are supplementing with exogenous testosterone our body will not be making the testosterone it needs. Once the cycle is over it’s time to stimulate our natural production and Nolvadex can do just that. By stimulating the release of LH and FSH our testicles will begin producing again. No, the PCT period in-which we supplement with Nolvadex will not bring our levels all the way back to normal; there is no PCT plan that can do this but it will lead us to that end much faster than without.
It must be noted possible side-effects such as Gynecomastia, water retention, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are all a possibility with this cycle as both Testosterone and Dianabol aromatize and cause a buildup in estrogen. If you’re nipples begin to get sore while on cycle you might try supplementing with 10mg of Nolvadex per day. If this does not work you are going to need an Aromatase Inhibitor such as Arimidex or Letrozole; 0.5mg every other day of either should suffice. Further, if you keep your diet clean you will largely protect from water retention; some will occur if you are really trying to bulk but limit your excess calories only to what you absolutely need and avoid overeating carbohydrates. Further, keeping your diet clean is also good for your blood pressure and cholesterol; moreover, consuming plenty of Omega-3 Fatty Acids can greatly serve you here.

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Nolvadex and Clomid

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

Nolvadex and Clomid are two of the most popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) in the world and part of the supplemental plan for many performance enhancing athletes. In many ways Nolvadex and Clomid are identical; in-fact, the same results can be obtained with either form assuming dosing is applied to match depending on the one you use. Without question the most common use of Nolvadex and Clomid is during what is known as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) the period of time in-which an anabolic steroid cycle comes to an end and the recovery process begins. While the PCT period is a common points of use for these very effective SERMs some will also supplement during the actual anabolic steroid cycle itself in-order to combat possible side-effects such as Gynecomastia. Nolvadex and Clomid are both useful for on cycle Gynecomastia prevention but they will not equal the power of other options and are typically best served in a PCT role.
The Power of Nolvadex and Clomid:
For years many have argued that Nolvadex is the better SERM and far more effective than Clomid but this is a bit of an inaccurate statement. It is true, on a milligram for milligram basis Nolva, as it is commonly known is stronger than Clomid; 1mg of Nolvadex carries more potency than 1mg of Clomid. With that in mind if we equal the dosing, meaning, we increase the dosing of Clomid to match the potency of Nolva on a per milligram basis we largely have the same effect, the same results; those who typically do not like Clomid, especially during PCT usually are simply not taking enough.

Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT:
The purpose of PCT is simple and twofold; to stimulate natural testosterone production that has been suppressed due to the use of anabolic steroids and to simply normalize the body in-order to remain healthy. Of course, most are also concerned with hanging onto the gains they made from their performance cycle but effectively achieving the two previously mentioned factors will promote just that and in a positive fashion.

Test 600x Nolvadex and Clomid are both fine choices for your PCT purpose; truly you only need one or the other. Both SERMs have the ability to greatly stimulate the release of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) thereby promoting the production of testosterone. As you understand testosterone is produced in the testicles and such production occurs due to the release of LH by the pituitary gland. When the pituitary releases LH this signals the testicles to begin producing testosterone; without LH there is no production and without production there is no testosterone.

On Cycle Use:
As SERMs Nolvadex and Clomid have the ability to combat certain anabolic steroid related side-effects, most notably Gynecomastia. Such side-effects occur due to the buildup of estrogen in the body; many anabolic steroids convert into estrogen due to their aromatizing nature and this can cause unwanted side-effects. Make no mistake, estrogen is a very important hormone but like many things in life we can have too much of it. A common assumption many make is that Nolvadex and Clomid reduce estrogen in the body and this is simply not true as they do not carry this ability. SERMs such as these act in a very specific manner and simply prevent the estrogen from binding to the receptors where they can cause a problem. While this binding effect can be useful in many cases it will not be enough and stronger measures must be taken. For this reason many choose to supplement with aromatase inhibitors (AIs) as AIs have the ability to inhibit the conversion of estrogen while also decreasing the amount of estrogen in the body.

The Bottom Line:
In the end the truth is simple, Nolvadex and Clomid are both fine SERMs and for PCT you cannot go wrong with either one. As for side-effect prevention they can do a fair job at preventing Gynecomastia but they will generally do little else and are in many cases ill-equipped to handle even Gynecomastia; AIs are simply more efficient. If you are considering using Nolvadex and Clomid you will be best served saving it for your PCT plan and regardless of which one you go with if you have the ability to include hCG you will experience a very positive PCT plan.

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Masteron Cycle

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

A Masteron cycle can be very exciting for many anabolic steroid users. Most commonly a Masteron cycle will be implemented during a cutting phase, and in most cases, at the backend when we are at our leanest. By using this steroid during this phase, the individual will develop a much harder and dryer look. A cutting Masteron cycle cannot make you lean all on it’s own, you will still have to diet, but it can greatly enhance your overall look. In fact, it is considered an extremely important part of contest preparation for many competitive bodybuilders. A Masteron cycle can also be implemented outside of cutting phases. There’s really no reason to include this steroid in a traditional bulking phase. If you’re looking for extreme growth this isn’t the steroid for you. However, if the individual is looking for a moderate increase in size or simply developing a better overall look this could be an option. A Masteron cycle can also be very beneficial for some competitive athletes. The Drostanolone hormone will increase the individual’s strength. It will also do so without providing water retention or possible unwanted mass so as long as the total caloric intake doesn’t get out of hand. Muscular endurance and recovery should also be improved. Such improvements may not be as great as some steroids, but they will be significant.

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Equipoise Steroid

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

The Equipoise steroid is one of the more popular among performance enhancers with strong similarities to testosterone. It is often a common mistake to compare the Equipoise steroid to the popular Nandrolone Deca-Durabolin but “EQ” as it is commonly known is not similar in nature or action and carries no reciprocal action revolving around progesterone as Deca does. The Equipoise steroid is however a very versatile anabolic steroid and can be well-suited for nearly any cycle and as it is generally well-tolerated it remains high upon the list of favorites.

Origins of the Equipoise Steroid:
Equipoise or Boldenone Undecleynate as it is chemically known is a steroid developed for use in horses hence the popular trade name linked to equestrian. Often referred to as a horse steroid the Equipoise steroid is a veterinarian grade steroid and is not manufactured in a traditional human grade form. Once developed this steroid proved to be very efficient for horses in providing them lean mass and strength and what’s good for a horse proved to be just as good for a man. Originally the idea was to create a slower longer lasting Dianabol type steroid but what was developed was a steroid that is much more testosterone related than anything else.

The Benefits of the Equipoise Steroid:
As a versatile steroid the Equipoise steroid greatly increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis; a trait shared by many anabolic steroids but it definitely carries other traits worthy of note. The Equipoise steroid is well-equipped in increasing the release of erythropoietin more so than many other hormones of a performance nature. This is of both an interesting and important note as erythropoietin is a hormone responsible for red-blood cell output and production and this means our red blood cell count goes dramatically up.

D-Anabol 25
Only mildly androgenic yet decently anabolic the Equipoise steroid carries one potential trait that many performance enhancers find of particular interest and it is that of appetite stimulation. Many performance enhancers supplement with this anabolic steroid during their off-season in order to eat the necessary needed calories per day to grow that would otherwise be impossible to consume. Yes, absolutely, the Equipoise steroid also plays a positive role on our total metabolic function allowing for a more pleasing physique despite excess calories. This is not a license to eat but the individual who supplements with the steroid will be able to consume and process a larger amount of calories than he would be without EQ.

When to use the Equipoise Steroid:
As stated the Equipoise steroid is well-suited for any cycle. For the bulking cycle EQ will produce nice even gains but one should not expect massive buildups in size due to the steroid yet most of the mass obtained although slowly building will be that of lean tissue as this steroid does not aromatize heavily. Men who supplement with EQ also find the strength boost to be a very welcomed trait as this greatly helps them with hard off-season training. While bulking is a fine use the Equipoise steroid is perhaps best served during a cutting cycle assuming you can control the appetite stimulation; it should be noted the appetite stimulation will affect everyone differently. During a cutting cycle EQ is very well-suited in preserving lean tissue under a calorie restricted diet and again its strength increasing effect can be very useful. While these are fine traits where the Equipoise steroid really shines is in how it affects the condition of the individual by providing a harder more vascular appearance. In any case, regardless of purpose, for vanity or athletic performance EQ is always a fine choice.

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Dianabol Cycle

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

Ask any experienced performance enhancer and most will tell you a good Dianabol cycle is hard to beat. One of the first anabolic steroids ever created and one of the few created for the purpose of performance enhancement, for well over half a century athletes of all types have implemented a Dianabol cycle into their routine. Without question much of this steroids popularity resides in the ranks of competitive bodybuilding and power lifting; after all, it was for Olympic strength athletes first created and wildly popular all through the Golden Age of bodybuilding. One of the absolute best anabolic steroids for pilling on mass and increasing strength, the Methandrostenolone hormone not only possesses these traits but it provides them at a rapid rate. How good is this small oral steroid, how powerful? You may be familiar with the popular steroid Anadrol and in many circles it is considered the premier oral steroid for size and strength. While Anadrol is a quality steroid, on a milligram for milligram basis Dianabol blows it out of the water in-terms of strength and power; it is far more potent on a per milligram basis. So how do we use it in order to maximize the benefits held within? Let’s take a look at how to plan a Dianabol cycle.
Off-Season Dianabol Cycle:
Without question most who supplement with the Methandrostenolone hormone will do so when they are in their off-season mode; simply meaning, they are trying to grow larger and become stronger. First and foremost, yes, this steroid can be used all alone and no, it shouldn’t be. Dbol, as it is commonly known will suppress your natural testosterone production and exogenous testosterone is advised to be administered. For the off-season Dianabol cycle we generally have two choices and sometimes in more hardcore elite circles a combination of both is used; the two options include kick starting and plateau busting.

Kick Starting: Kick starting is the most common point of Dbol use and simply refers to the beginning of a total stacked cycle in a priming sense. In reality, while “priming” is often the term used really most use it here simply because they’re eager to see gains come quickly A Dianabol cycle for this purpose will generally last approximately 6 weeks with 4 weeks generally being the minimum and 8 weeks being the maximum. Once the Methandrostenolone use is complete the total cycle will continue without the Dianabol being present but by this time more foundational steroids are well into the athletes system allowing for progression to continue.
Plateau Busting: Plateau busting refers to a point during an anabolic steroid cycle in-which the individual has stagnated, gains are no longer coming and this can be very frustrating. This can occur at any time during a cycle but usually begins to show for most around the 8-10 week mark as the body begins to adapt and a change is needed. This is where a Dianabol cycle can really be useful; while it is beneficial at the beginning of a cycle it is perhaps even more efficient here. Once the new hormone is introduced and as it is so powerful and fast acting the plateau is busted and progression begins again. A typical Dianabol cycle of this nature will rarely go past 6 weeks and is often only 4 weeks.
There are some who will kick start and use this steroid as a plateau buster but this is not something we generally recommend. Absolutely, it will work but a Dianabol cycle can be quite toxic to the liver and it is recommended use be kept short and brief as to maintain optimal liver health.

Cutting Dianabol Cycle:
D-Anabol 25 It is a common myth that plagues many message boards and it is nothing more than a myth; the myth states Dianabol makes you gain fat. It is true, the Methandrostenolone hormone does aromatize and by this effect can cause a lot of water retention and when bulking most rarely concern themselves with a little water. Lets examine; water retention or bloat is not fat, its water retention plain and simple. Further, many who bloat badly when implementing a Dianabol cycle automatically blame the new found bloat solely on the Dbol when more times than not a large culprit is them overeating, especially regarding carbohydrates. Finally, if water retention is truly a bad issue for you and it will be more pronounced in some than others, a good aromatase inhibitor will eliminate concern. In short, if youre eating properly, not stuffing your face like a fat cow and supplementing responsibly, massive water retention will not be a problem and any that does occur is certainly not body-fat; but can it be used while cutting?

Without question increasing size and strength is this steroids primary nature but like many steroids it can serve secondary purposes apt for other goals. When the individual is dieting a good Dianabol cycle can aid in maintaining strength levels as they commonly drop when in a calorie deficit; further, like most anabolic hormones Dbol will preserve lean tissue.  For the competitive bodybuilder this steroid can absolutely be used during a diet but we wouldnt recommend it at the tail-end due to the high aromatase factor. It is true, the Methandrostenolone hormone is perhaps not the best anabolic steroid for dieting purposes but if it is what you have available it will more than get the job done and the good news for you is this steroid is generally cheap and widely available.
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Deca Durabolin Cycle

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

A Deca Durabolin cycle can be a very exciting cycle for most men. In most cases, a Deca Durabolin cycle will be during a period of growth and increasing muscle size is pretty exciting for most men. This is not the only time the steroid can be used; Deca Durabolin has a place in some cutting cycles and is commonly used by athletes who may not be bulking or cutting at all. However, the standard Deca Durabolin cycle will surround growth.

For many men, planning any steroid cycle can be very confusing, and it’s often complicated by misinformation that plagues the net and many local gyms. However, planning a Deca Durabolin cycle is actually one of the easiest cycles you’ll ever plan. With that in mind, we want to take a look at various plans and help you develop the right Deca Durabolin cycle for you. We will look at precise layouts, but it’s important to note these are merely guides and are by no means set in stone. The following Deca Durabolin cycles are simply presented in an effort to explain proper use, but total doses and stacking plans may need to be adjusted to meet individual needs.

*Bulking Deca Durabolin Cycle:

Deca 200

A bulking Deca Durabolin cycle will be the most common point of use for most men. With this plan, a simple stack of Deca Durabolin and testosterone can easily be all you need. The form of testosterone you choose is inconsequential; all that matters is your body is given adequate amounts of the testosterone hormone to meet its needs. However, higher testosterone doses are typically recommended during a growth phase. Large ester base testosterones will also be the easiest to use such as Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate. Some may also find additional steroids like Anadrol or Dianabol to be beneficial. In fact, the combination of Deca Durabolin and Dianabol along with some form of testosterone is one of the oldest and most popular steroid cycles of all time.

An important note – many inaccurately assume that other 19-nortestosterone (19-nor) steroids cannot be used with a Deca Durabolin cycle because they will compete for the same receptors. We’re not going to go into explaining receptor function but this idea is a myth. You do not have to use another 19-nor compound, most of you will not need one, but one can be used. It is also assumed that steroids like Equipoise cannot be used during a Deca Durabolin cycle for similar reasons; again, this is a myth. Deca Durabolin will stack well with most all anabolic steroids.

*Cutting Deca Durabolin Cycle:

A cutting Deca Durabolin cycle will normally not be built around this Nandrolone hormone, but rather it is a secondary addition. In the cutting phase, this steroid may be added to a total plan in order to promote muscle tissue preservation, but it is most commonly added for the therapeutic effects this steroid can provide. If a cutting Deca Durabolin cycle is implemented, especially if you’re a competitive bodybuilder, you will more than likely want to keep its use at the front end of the total plan and rely solely on hardening agents towards the end. This type of Deca Durabolin cycle cannot be recommended to new steroid users. This type of use will normally be extended beyond what a new steroid user will be comfortable with.

*Athletic Deca Durabolin Cycle:

Most any athlete can benefit from a Deca Durabolin cycle. In most cases, a low dose of Deca Durabolin will be used in conjunction with another steroid that promotes strength to a higher degree along with a very low dose of testosterone. It’s not uncommon for many athletes to rely on testosterone gel but low dose injections will prove to be best.

*Sample Deca Durabolin Cycle:

Below we have provided a sample Deca Durabolin cycle for all points of use. We have provided two for off-season use, one is moderate and the other far more advanced. We have also included one Deca Durabolin cycle for cutting, and while it’s not the only possible plan it will not be a plan suited for most new steroid users. Then we’re left with athletic enhancement, and this Deca Durabolin cycle while highly effective comes with a warning. If you are a tested athlete this is not a plan you’ll want to follow.

*Deca Durabolin Cycle Notes:

· Arimidex doses may need to be adjusted up or down to meet your needs. Ensure you are maintaining proper hormone balances. You may use Arimidex, Letrozole or Aromasin for your AI needs.

· Dianabol does not have to be used in the bulking Deca Durabolin cycles but has been added to the samples should it be desired.

· HGH does not have to be used but will benefit any Deca Durabolin cycle greatly.

· Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate can be interchanged – you can use either one.

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Clomid Cycle

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

For a performance enhancing athlete a Clomid cycle can be very common place but unlike many performance enhancing drugs this particular item is used for a completely different purpose. The strong majority who run a Clomid cycle and by a strong majority we mean nearly all will do so after their anabolic steroid use has been discontinued. Anabolic steroids as you understand suppress natural testosterone production; the degree of suppression can be dependent on which steroids were used and to a degree even the dose (somewhat) but make no mistake testosterone production is suppressed and generally dramatically. Once anabolic steroid use is complete many athletes, the smart ones will begin and complete a period known as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and it is during this phase in-which the individual is bringing his natural testosterone production back online.
When to start a Clomid Cycle:
When you start your PCT will largely be determined by the anabolic steroids that were being used at the end of a cycle. For example, if all the steroids being used were that of a short ester nature PCT can begin very quickly, often in a few days after the end of the cycle. Conversely, if the cycle ended with long ester gear then the individual will need to wait a period of time; at least two weeks before any Clomid cycle begins. A common question is what if you were running a mixture of long and short ester gear? In this case the answer is simple; you still need to wait at least two weeks, after all, there are long ester anabolic steroids in your system.

The Common Clomid Cycle:
The most common Clomid cycle has generally been a 3-4 week run after the course of anabolic steroids is discontinued. Many individuals will begin a dosing of 100mg per day for a week or two and drop it to 50mg per day for another week or two; very simple and somewhat effective but often this is not enough. There is something many people fail to understand about PCT, the assumption is if you complete a simple PCT plan, once you do your natural testosterone levels will be back to normal and this simply isn't true. There is no Clomid cycle or any PCT cycle we or anyone else can give you that can do such a thing; total natural testosterone recovery takes a good bit of time, the idea behind a Clomid cycle or any PCT plan is to speed the process up, to give your body a much needed tool so it can get there faster and more effectively.

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A Better Clomid Cycle:
You understand when youre supposed to begin your Clomid cycle based on the anabolic steroids you were previously using and now its time to maximize your use. Generally speaking 4 -5 weeks of use will suffice but doses must be higher than they were listed above as this SERM is not nearly as powerful as its cousin Nolvadex on a per milligram basis and that is where many make a lot of mistakes. Its often understood that Nolvadex and Clomid are for the most part interchangeable and the same results can be obtained by either; it is also understood that Nolvadex is stronger per milligram but many often understate this fact. Where 40mg of Nolvadex is a common beginning PCT dose 150mg of Clomid would need to be in its place. A Solid Clomid cycle would include 2 weeks of use at 150mg per day, 1-2 weeks at 100mg per day and 1 week at 50mg per day; perhaps an added week if necessary again at 50mg per day. To make it easier to read:

Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day
(add an extra week at 50mg per day if needed)
What to Add to a Clomid Cycle:
It is not always necessary but it can be very beneficial; many PCT plans often benefit with the addition of hCG and a Clomid cycle makes no exception. hCG will greatly speed up the recovery process and work in perfect harmony with your other PCT medications. To make this work is fairly simple; if your cycle ends with short ester gear approximately 3 days after use is discontinued you will begin hCG therapy and once it is complete begin your Clomid cycle. If your anabolic steroid use ends with long ester gear you can wait about 10 days before beginning hCG use and then begin your Clomid therapy once it is complete. Generally for most 1,000iu of hCG every day for 10 days straight is just about perfect.

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